Security | ET Works


Security is fundamental part of correct and comprehensive data management, Our team has helped a wide range of companies and public sector bodies address their IT security needs, from endpoint protection to privileged access management, providing protection at the perimeter, endpoints and in between.

Building security in the fabric of your business can help you to predict attacks, respond and manage threats and importantly will protect data, applications, infrastructure, and endpoints and we have a portfolio of partners that integrate with every solution we provide. They cover everything from keeping an eye on who’s got physical access to your hardware to protecting you from threats that can come through network access, data and code injection, or even bad operators.

In the ever-changing landscape of cyber security, it is essential to stay vigilant against various threats that can compromise the integrity and security of your business. Understanding and addressing these potential threats is crucial for effective cyber security management. Let’s explore four common cyber security threats and the measures you can take to mitigate and tackle the risks head-on.

1. Ransomware: Ransomware attacks have become increasingly prevalent and destructive. This form of malware encrypts your data and holds it hostage until a ransom is paid. To protect your business against ransomware attacks, consider the following measures:

  • Regularly backup critical data and ensure off-site storage to facilitate data recovery without succumbing to ransom demands.
  • Implement robust security measures, including firewalls, antivirus software, and intrusion detection systems, to detect and prevent ransomware infections.
  • Educate employees about the risks of suspicious email attachments and unsafe browsing habits to minimise the chances of unwittingly activating ransomware.

2. Encrypted Threats: With advancements in encryption technology, cyber criminals are leveraging encryption to hide malicious activities and evade detection. To counter encrypted threats, consider the following strategies:

  • Implement network traffic monitoring solutions that can identify patterns and anomalies associated with encrypted threats.
  • Deploy advanced threat detection systems capable of decrypting and inspecting encrypted traffic for potential threats.
  • Continuously update and patch security systems and software to ensure they can detect and respond to new encrypted threats effectively.

3. Email Threats: Email continues to be a primary vector for cyber attacks. Sophisticated phishing attempts, email spoofing, and malicious attachments pose significant risks to businesses. Protect against email threats with the following practices:

  • Implement robust email filtering systems that can identify and block phishing emails, spam, and malicious attachments.
  • Train employees to recognise common signs of phishing attempts, such as suspicious sender addresses, grammatical errors, and urgent requests for sensitive information.
  • Utilise email authentication protocols such as SPF, DKIM, and DMARC to mitigate the risks of email spoofing and impersonation.

4. Wireless and Mobile Access: The proliferation of wireless networks and mobile devices presents unique cyber security challenges. Unsecured Wi-Fi networks and vulnerable mobile devices can be exploited by attackers. To strengthen wireless and mobile security, consider the following steps:

  • Encrypt wireless networks using WPA2 or WPA3 protocols to prevent unauthorised access.
  • Establish strict access controls and authentication measures for mobile devices accessing sensitive business data and systems.
  • Regularly update mobile device firmware, operating systems, and applications to patch security vulnerabilities.
  • Implement Mobile Device Management (MDM) solutions to enforce security policies, remote wipe capabilities, and device encryption.

By proactively addressing these potential cyber security threats, you can bolster your defenses and protect your business from evolving risks. Combine robust technological solutions with employee education and best practices to create a multi-layered approach to cyber security. Remember, staying one step ahead of cyber criminals requires constant vigilance and adaptation to emerging threats.

ET Works can support your business with:

  • Identity Management
  • Endpoint Protection
  • Email Security Services
  • Security Awareness Training
  • Data Protection
  • Mobile Device Management
  • Application Protection
  • Next-Gen Firewalls
  • Cloud Security
  • Password Management
  • Analytics (SIEM)

For additional resources and information, the National Cyber Security Centre provide a lot of information for individual, families and businesses.

How can we help you?

We’re real people, with years of collective knowledge and a real commitment to enabling our clients to harness the utility of technology.

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