End User Computing or Client Computing
A mix-match of phrases that have changed over the years that previously referred to old ‘green screens’ that some may remember.
Whilst the old terminology of “a device connected to a server in a distributed network” may spark a few questions, the premise remains today albeit with different terminology and connectivity requirements.
Much of this has changed over time, yet the principles remain the same: Enabling your end users to work efficiently and effectively!
Virtualisation solves the traditional desktop management challenge:
- How to secure user data;
- support Bring-your-own-Device (BYOD);
- enable greater workforce flexibility through remote working and reduce the burden of desktop management.
ET Works are experts in designing and implementing EUC and VDI solutions that;
- can identify the right device for the right task
- can enable a remote and connected modern workforce
- offers a flexible, secure, affordable solution
And importantly allows IT staff to concentrate on what really matters, whilst all the rest is taken care of.